Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Woo Hoo! - Under LIW

Today's Weight - 239.5 - LIW 240 -.5 lb

Wow, what an exciting morning. I am actually under LIW. I have been working out with light weights daily and trying my best to eat healthy stuff. No sugar and No starch seems to do best for me. And I have been trying to make sure I get enough water throughout the day. I have not really tracked my menus, as I have been so stressed with my work schedule lately. But what ever... it seems to be working for me right now!

Biz, I signed into the forum under "elizkamb" I believe using the email I haven't been back to check it out. but will try to this weekend. I am in CA for a couple of days so not much time.

Becca - how is your P2 going? I will stop by and see you! Take care all! Bye for now.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Checkin' In

Hi Everyone! Well this morning I weighed in at 241.5 - How cool is that? I am now only +1.5 from LIW of 240. I have been so crazy busy and have just tried to eat good (no sugar no starch) I haven't really been keeping track of calories and just eating when I'm hungry... stopping when I am full and throwing in a few nuts every now and then for a quick pick me up. (I LOVE cashews and walnuts... but try not to over do it)

Biz, I did sign up on the forum... but haven't had a lot of time to look it over. I can't seem to post anything though, so I guess you have to do something for me there. I will try to keep in touch while traveling, but I'm not sure how good I will be at that on this trip... it's kind of whirl wind!

I DO look forward to checking out the "Bootcamp" I am also very excited about getting back on P2... but I am trying to be patient.

Becca, Thanks for always coming by and checking on me! I really appreciate the support. I will be over to see what you are up to soon! I bet you are rockin' on your P2 by now!

Regina, I AM crazy busy right now! There are two seasons that really ramp me up Sales season in late winter /early spring before we plant and then again at harvest in the fall when we are trying like crazy to fulfill orders and ship everything out. Things will slow down in about six weeks. we will get everything planted and then just watch the crops and make sure everything is growing good. I look forward to summer here... It's the calm before the storm!
I will be in Pleasanton this week, visiting Safeway and then another supplier that we work with near Tracy. This is a pretty much in and out trip, then I go to Atlanta on Sunday.

Lili... It's great to hear from you! I hope things are going better. I will stop by and see you soon!