Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Woo Hoo! - Under LIW

Today's Weight - 239.5 - LIW 240 -.5 lb

Wow, what an exciting morning. I am actually under LIW. I have been working out with light weights daily and trying my best to eat healthy stuff. No sugar and No starch seems to do best for me. And I have been trying to make sure I get enough water throughout the day. I have not really tracked my menus, as I have been so stressed with my work schedule lately. But what ever... it seems to be working for me right now!

Biz, I signed into the forum under "elizkamb" I believe using the email I haven't been back to check it out. but will try to this weekend. I am in CA for a couple of days so not much time.

Becca - how is your P2 going? I will stop by and see you! Take care all! Bye for now.


BizBuzz said...

Hey girl, I will check it out. Make sure you have access to everything! How most excellent! Look at you UNDER LIW!!! Wonderful WONDERFUL!

Burcu J said...

Hello Liz,
Thank you for stopping by on my blog, I see that you are doing great, I couldn't keep my LIW weight during P3 I was being a bad girl and not sticking to P3 eating rules. You keep up the good work.
Have a nice weekend ;)

Anonymous said...

Great job!

LindsayLoo said...

Liz, I just wanted to stop by and say hello! I wanted to add your blog to my hCG blog if that's okay!

EweWho said...

Biz is bizzy, so I checked things out for you, hopefully you should be able to go into the forum now and post. I moved you into the Registered Users group and added you to the Bootcamp/Journalers group.

You are doing great!!